Unlock Higher Levels of Performance Now!
Become the coach that players want to play for...not by offering greater rewards, but through deeper relationships.
Connect With Your Athletes & Unleash a Higher Level of Performance
Investing in your players is where the long-term rewards are found. Masterpiece Coaches want to win, but they also want to take boys and build men… their objective is to be known for more than just wins and losses. Your legacy should not be defined by a scoreboard, but by the hearts and lives of those you coach.
Coach, let us help you today!
✔ Connect with your players
✔ Receive vital life coaching unique to the coaching profession
✔ Become a Masterpiece Coach today!
IMPROVE YOURSELF AND IMPACT THEMStep 1: Better Man = Greater Coach
Unleash higher levels of performance from your players through a deeper connectivity within your team (player-to-player and coach-to-player). For $12.50/month or $125/year, you will have unlimited access to on-demand courses, the 8-H's playbook, and more.
Step 2: Develop a Game Plan
Our on-demand courses give you the content, PDF playbook and all you need to implement our strategies to grow Team Connection… you determine how. Once you’re a member the content is yours to use how it best fits you and your players.
Let's Go

Step 3: Watch Your Players Grow as Men and Connect as a Team
Regardless of the sport or whether you’re a long-time head coach or in your first year as a position coach, being a Masterpiece Coach will make you better in the locker room and at home! There are not many places where you will receive the professional AND personal development that Masterpiece Coaches offers.
Yes, I want to be a better Coach!THE COACH'S COACH
Meet Lance Brown
Lance has been leading college athletes and coaches for over 20 years. He has served with some of the top coaches in the country including Bobby Johnson, James Franklin, Tim Corbin, and Derek Mason to name a few. He is the founder and president of WhoUWith? Ministries, a faith-based collegiate ministry serving Vanderbilt University, Belmont University, and the TN Titans. He is a published author and speaker on topics of leadership, marriage, and manhood.
Lance started Masterpiece Coaches in order to help a greater number of coaches, on the high school and collegiate levels, with their personal and professional development. You can only lead young men as far as you are willing to lead yourself. You can draw up X’s & O’s all day long, but what are you doing each week to improve yourself and your team as men? Lance summarizes Masterpiece Coaches best when he said, “we help coaches become the kind of men their players want to follow”.

Great coaches are always looking to get better. To find that competitive edge. However, investing in professional and personal development can be costly with most life coaches charging up to $200/hour. Weekend clinics are great for learning more X’s and O’s, but how many clinics really help you develop connection, trust and culture with your players? And even fewer of those clinics help you become a better husband and dad while still excelling as a coach!
There’s a growing problem in our profession that no one is talking about...
Our growing lack of connection and trust creates...
- No loyalty to the team
- Performance becomes transactional and inconsistent
- Individual entitlement instead of shared team culture
- Apathy toward your leadership and calls
These are the things that keep coaches up at night. You want to build unity and culture, but how do you have the time and where do you even start?
Masterpiece Coaches challenges coaches to go deeper with their teams. And we give you the tools you need from over 25 years of experience in relationship building with some of the top college coaches in the business.
By subscribing today, get immediate access to over 20 video courses in the three areas below!
Through multiple, exclusive video course series, we will show you how to create an environment promoting deep relationships with your athletes. Also, your membership only gets better as we grow. ALL future courses we add will be available at NO ADDITIONAL costs to Masterpiece Coaches members…in other words, as we grow our content your membership investment gains greater value.

The 8-H's
Walk through the 8-H's, showing you how to create an environment where your athletes open up about their history, heroes, hurts, habits, and more.

Three Lies Men Buy*
Understand the lies that threaten your performance and the integrity of your heart as a coach. Identify, overcome, and grow as a man through this game-changing course.

9 Wins at Home*
Let's discuss ways to better love your MVP by being a better husband. 9 Ways to Win at Home will help you win both at your house and at the field house!
More than just professional development...
Masterpiece Coaches offers more than professional development for you as a coach... the program offers personal development for your life as a man! Becoming a better man will make you a greater coach, on and off the field.
*Each of these courses is catered to the uniqueness of a coach's weekly schedule and the demands that many times pulls you away from the ones you love the most... We understand you, coach.
Your Subscription Gets You...
As a Masterpiece Coaches member, you will also have access to ever-growing resources such as:
- on-demand courses you can watch within your own weekly schedule
- multiple video courses tailored for life as a coach
- professional and personal "life coach" style development

For less than a monthly Netflix subscription you can receive the same professional and personal development as several high-level college coaches have had for the last two decades. Would you like to be known as a legacy coach when you retire? Then become a Masterpiece Coach today and start your journey to building a legacy far beyond the scoreboard!